The implementation of Persons with Disability Act 1995 which mandates 1 percent of jobs for people with visual disability in government and public sectors has paved the way for the visually challenged. With its specialized training initiatives that backs the visually challenged with skills, several IAB alumni are gainfully employed in the government sector in sectors like teaching, railways and banking.
So far about 750 IAB alumni have been employed in Government sectors. In a unique initiative several IAB alumni have been reemployed in IAB after retiring from Government service.

In House Placement
Keeping pace with current market demands and trends IAB has reoriented its employment avenues. Among its initiatives is a BPO that offers support services to impressive clientele include Tata DoCoMo, SUN Direct and Bharath Post Graduate College, Chennai.

Government sector
Since 1991 several IAB alumni are employed in the government sector. The implementation of Persons with Disability Act 1995 which mandates 1 percent of jobs for people with visual disability has boosted employment opportunity for visually challenged in government and public sectors. This farsighted intervention has enabled several thousands of visually challenged people to be employed in services like teaching, railways and banks.

Private Sector
IAB has taken the initiative of identifying employer needs and then placing students whose skill and capability match the requirement in the right position.

Self-employment is another area that IAB encourages students towards by providing vocational training.
In House Placement
Keeping pace with current market demands and trends IAB has reoriented its employment avenues. Among its initiatives is a BPO that offers support services to impressive clientele include Tata DoCoMo, SUN Direct and Bharath Post Graduate College, Chennai.
Government sector
Since 1991 several IAB alumni are employed in the government sector. The implementation of Persons with Disability Act 1995 which mandates 1 percent of jobs for people with visual disability has boosted employment opportunity for visually challenged in government and public sectors. This farsighted intervention has enabled several thousands of visually challenged people to be employed in services like teaching, railways and banks.
Private Sector
IAB has taken the initiative of identifying employer needs and then placing students whose skill and capability match the requirement in the right position.
Self-employment is another area that IAB encourages students towards by providing vocational training.

My goal has always been equality of opportunities and experience for people with visual disabilities. People need to be sensitized to the potentials and problems. of the visually impaired. They are no different from others. Typically society tends to overestimate the disability and underestimate the potentials of people with disabilities
How do you want to help IAB today?
Donate to IAB to give visually challenged a confidence in them for their future. Your small contribution will make a big difference in their lives.