What once began with a mere room and 4 students is now the temple of rehabilitation for the visually challenged
Nestled in the village of Sundarajanpatti in the outer fringes of Madurai in Tamilnadu, the Indian Association for the Blind (IAB) promises the visually challenged a life of confidence and opportunities. Started in 1985 by S.M.A. Jinnah, a visually challenged activist, IAB has been the pioneer in empowering the visually challenged towards self-reliance through various initiatives.
Having undergone numerous struggles to complete his education, Jinnah envisioned a changed future for thousands of visually challenged children by providing them education. This dream led to establishing IAB, the institute that has made remarkable progress, be it in the number of lives it has touched or numerous services that are being offered. Currently, in Tamil Nadu, out of the 30,000+ educated and vocationally trained visually challenged people, 20% are being educated, rehabilitated, and even employed by IAB.
IAB affirms its commitment to empower visually challenged people become self-reliant by providing comprehensive rehabilitation, education and employment opportunities. IAB has a special focus on the socio economically disadvantaged visually challenged children and adults, particularly those from rural areas.

Different Vision
The journey of Indian Association
for the Blind
The Indian Association for Blind
The story of IAB stemmed out from the inspirational life of SMA Jinnah. Despite losing his vision at the age of 13, and much against the wishes of his family, Jinnah chased a dream called education. His passion for education saw him pass out of school and later college with a brilliant performance. The key to empowering people with visual disability that would help them travel the road to independence and self-reliance, Jinnah realized, was education.
He established the Indian Association for the Blind (IAB), on January 14, 1985, with the support of well wishers. IAB began with just eight students. In the early years, it served as a tuition/guidance centre that also provided hostel facilities for four visually challenged boys.
OUR Mission
IAB is committed to promote comprehensive education, employment and rehabilitation opportunities for socioseconomically disempowered visually challenged children and adults, with a special focus on those living in rural areas.
The Indian Association for the Blind
20% +
Educated and vocationally trained visually challenged people in Tamilnadu are being educated, rehabilitated and employed by IAB
30,000 +
Since inception IAB has educated and rehabilitated more than 30,000 people with visual disabilities
24 +
Project to build equality of opportunities and experience for people with visual disabilities
The Temple City of Madurai, is equally famous for a temple of rehabilitation - Indian Association for the Blind (IAB)
Our Accreditors

How do you want to help IAB today?
Donate to IAB to give visually challenged a confidence in them for their future. Your small contribution will make a big difference in their lives.